Skilled maintenance home repair / handyman (Dushesne, Myton, Roosevelt, Vernal)
Date: 2010-02-10, 7:04PM MST
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Skilled maintenance home repair / handyman in Dushesne, Myton, Roosevelt, Vernal.
Work on foreclosed properties doing securing, repairs, trash outs, etc.
Must have the following equipment: Generator, air compressor, digital camera, hand tools, reliable transportation and either own or have access to a trailer.
Must have internet and basic computer skills, as work orders are assigned and sent in via email/web.
Must be able to get things done and sent in ON TIME.
Work on foreclosed properties doing securing, repairs, trash outs, etc.
Must have the following equipment: Generator, air compressor, digital camera, hand tools, reliable transportation and either own or have access to a trailer.
Must have internet and basic computer skills, as work orders are assigned and sent in via email/web.
Must be able to get things done and sent in ON TIME.